CBD can help your dog

The benefits of the chemical compounds, have demonstrated in the last few years their effectiveness in a multitude of human ailments.

CBD (cannabidiol), is related to beneficial effects in many diseases, ranging from epilepsy to anxiety through osteoarthritis, cancer or inflammatory bowel diseases.

Of course, the benefits of certain components, such as CBD, have begun to be tested on pets showing results as satisfactory or more than on humans.

Before we continue to discuss how you can help your pet with CBD, we need to understand a number of key concepts. Within the sativaplant as we have said there are thousands of chemical compounds, the best known being THC and CBD.

It is important that you understand that THC above certain amounts can be toxic and even deadly to your pet. The same is not true for CBD which we can use within certain doses in our animals obtaining beneficial effects in a multitude of circumstances.

This is very important because we must use CBD products specifically designed for pets and with a veterinary formulation; this is the main guarantee that they contain effective and controlled levels of CBD in the perfect combination. Not just any presentation of CBD is good for dogs and that is why our formulation has been expressly designed to work on dogs in the most effective way.

The CBD for dogs

The CBD molecule is a NON-psychoactive component of the sativa plant; that is, your dog will not experience any psychoactive effects and will benefit from beneficial effects on many organs and systems which will allow us to use it in our dogs to help them in a multitude of circumstances and ailments. Fortunately, at this time we already have studies that analyze the effects and behavior of CBD in the canine body.

As you will surely be in your environment to skeptics or perhaps your vet is not fully familiar with this molecule, here below we leave you a large group of studies around the dynamics of behavior of CBD in the canine body. In addition, with the purchase of our product you will have the online advice of our veterinary team. CBD for dogs gains followers every day so we encourage you to apply CBD to your dog.

What can I give my dog for pain?

There are many circumstances in which your dog can experience pain: from the silliest of everyday actions (slips, falls, involuntary steps…etc) to a multitude of illnesses that cause pain, such as osteoarthritis in elderly dogs or injuries in dogs that play sport regularly.

In these cases, it is important that we understand that pain is only a warning sign from our dog’s body. We should interpret it as an alarm and consult our veterinarian if the severity, extent, duration or commitment of their welfare is critical. However, in this context, the CBD can be a powerful and natural ally to help us in the control of our dog’s pain.

The treatment of pain in dogs is usually limited to the use of anti-inflammatories and analgesics of different chemical families. All of them without exception, are going to have side effects that can limit their use in time, so having a CBD based compound specifically formulated for dogs is an excellent idea, both in our first aid kit and to help our dog in diseases such as osteoarthritis / arthritis.

Come and visit to their page for more info about CBD for dogs.

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